The Reykjavik Sports Union (Íþróttabandalag Reykjavíkur - ÍBR - e. RSU) operates the Ice Rink in Laugardalur according to a contract with the City of Reykjavik. The building is over 3.700 square meters and the ice itself is 1.800 square meters and up to 1.000 people can be seated in the building at the same time. The Ice rink has been popular amongst the people of Iceland ever since the day it opened and is also frequently used by schools during school hours.
Skautahöllin í Laugardal
Múlavegi 1
104 Reykjavík
Phone number: (+354) 588 9705 (1)
e-mail: skautaholl@skautaholl.is
The Ice Rink Manager
Egill Eiðsson
Phone number: (+354) 897 9960
e-mail: skautaholl@skautaholl.is
Skautafélag Reykjavíkur (e. Reykjavik's ice skating club) trains in the building both figure skating and ice hockey as well as hosting tournaments in their sports.