You can buy ticket at the Ice skating rink or here on the booking site.
Here you can find information about prices for entry fee and skate rental. Helmets are available for everyone to borrow while at the rink.
Children (6-16 years old)
Entry fee: 900 ISK
Skates for rent: 750 ISK (sizes 27-48)
Total together: 1.650 ISK
Adults (17 years old and older):
Entry fee: 1.350 ISK
Skates for rent: 750 ISK (sizes 27-48)
Total together: 2.100 ISK
Play School children, senior citizens and the disabled: Free entry
Not valid for groups
10 tickets – entry fee: 7.500 ISK
10 tickets – entry fee and skates for rent: 14.000 ISK
Not valid for groups
10 tickets – entry fee: 11.500 ISK
10 tickets – entry fee and skates for rent: 18.000 ISK
Family Package:
Entry fee and skates for rent for four, of those four, at least one needs to be an adult.
Total together: 5.600 ISK
Group discount for 20 or more people
Children (6-16 years old)
Entry fee og skates for rent: 1.350 ISK
Entry fee only: 750 ISK
Adults (17 years old and older)
Entry fee og skates for rent: 1.650 ISK
Entry fee only: 1.100 ISK
The 20 or more group discount is valid during regular public opening hours. The whole group must pay together.
School group discount
(from 09:00 until 14:30 on weekdays)
Entry fee og skates for rent: 1.100 ISK
Entry fee only: 750 ISK
Rules for school groups: The students must be accompanied by a teacher and are there on behalf of their school. This applies on weekdays between 09:00-14:30. School groups can stay at the ice rink for one hour, unless a previous agreement has been made. Discount is only valid if the total amount is paid in one. The discount is not valid during school holidays.
Other service
Skate sharpening: 1.900 ISK
New blades placed under skates: 6.800 ISK
This service is available after 13:00 and until closing time on weekdays and during opening hours in the weekends.
Renting the Ice Rink
The Ice Rink is available for rent on Saturday nights between 17:15 and 22:00. For more information call (+354) 5889705 (1) or send an e-mail to skautaholl@skautaholl.is