Eating at the Ice rink
At the Ice Rink in Laugardalur you can buy things to eat and drink. Coffee, hot chocolate, grilled sandwiches, hot dogs and candy. The shop is part of the fundraising for the the ice skating club, Skautafélag Reykjavíkur which trains at the rink. You can easily go between the rink and the dining area without taking your skates off.
Going to the ice rink with your co-workers, group of friends are family is a great idea. No need to leave the venue since everything you'll need is right there. Chairs and tables are available for use.
To book an event at the rink send an e-mail to skautaafmaeli@gmail.com.
Kid's birthday party package
Entry fee and skates* + 2 pizza slices and soda/juice : 2.000 ISK per child.
You can bring your own birthday cake and plates, glasses and napkins are available to use.
Upon arrival you need to inform the staff how many individuals will be joining the party, what toppings you would like on your pizzas and what drinks fit best for your group.
* If someone brings their own skates the price goes down 200 ISK.
The birthday parties can take place on the following days and times.
- Thursdays - 17:00-19:00
- Saturdays - 13:00-15:00
- Sundays - 13:00-15:00
We also offer school groups and company groups the following:
- Hot Chocolate with whipped cream and three kleina - a classic Icelandic combo, a kleina is the doughnuts foreign cousin. - 500 ISK per person.
- Two slices of pizza and soda/juice - 900 ISK per person
To book a birthday party send and e-mail to skautaafmaeli@gmail.com